
April Showers.

Trench, $645 
April showers bring May flowers, so they say.   Here in DC the month of April starts out as cold and damp and before you know it flowers are blooming and May is upon us.  This is one of those weird months where it will be raining and cold on your way into work, and by lunch time the sun is out and it’s 20 degrees warmer.  There are plenty of ways to look stylish in this non-predictable weather.  The key is layers.  Here are two looks that I pulled together for April.  Of course, both start off with a stylish trench.

2 thoughts on “April Showers.

  1. Nicole Stewart

    I am really enjoying reading your blog. I have just started mine this week! So exciting and a little addictive. Can you tell me how you did these collages? I am trying to figure it out. Thank you so much!

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