If there is one down side to blogging, it’s the 20 lbs that I have gained through the process (btw.. I just housed a burrito bowl from Chipotle before typing this….) That being said, for those of you that know me personally, know that I took part in a purification program almost two years ago. It is a three-week program created by Standard Process. In conjunction with a daily shake and various all-natural supplements, you essentially detoxify your body. The hardest part for me was the fact that I had to give up all preservatives. That’s right– all organic foods, no diet coke and no sugar, wheat or cheese. I know it sounds grueling, but honestly after the first day’s migraine, I was smooth sailing for the remainder of the time. I was even able to watch my family eat a pepperoni pizza while I happily ate my salad. The best part wasn’t the 15 lbs. that I lost, but the way that I felt. People told me that my hair and skin never looked better, I lost all bloat from my stomach… and for the first time in my life- I lost inches in my butt and thighs. I was never able to achieve that even at the gym! My sinuses were super clear, and any aches and pains that I was experiencing completely went away– I felt better than I have ever felt in my life. Oh, and on a more ahem… personal note…. if constipation is an issue for you, this will also do the trick. You wont be running to the bathroom, but you’ll definitely get on a regular schedule.
So, in preparation for our trip to Turks and Caicos in January, I will be doing the program again, and I am inviting all of you to come along! I purchase the supplements through my amazing Chiropractors at Beyond Wellness. Luckily for all of you, Beyond Wellness is offering these supplements to you at a 10% discount (total price of $200 for all three weeks worth of supplements) through Christmas and free shipping for those who are out of state.
I am planning on making this an online forum for all of those that participate with daily updates from me as well as information from the seminar that I took from Standard Process and tips and tricks for how to see the best results.
If you are interested email me for information.
You will not see the results unless you commit 100% to the program- so unless you are serious as a heart attack.. don’t waste your money. 😉 I would never endorse a product that I didn’t 200% believe in, so know that if you stick to the program… it works!
Start date is January 3– so guzzle up that eggnog and eat your figgy pudding, because come January 1- we’re all in boot camp!