They are sold out online, but this little elf shopped ahead and bought a set of four Nammoura Dessert plates from Anthropologie in all four colors. I have decided to make my fourth and final gift in my four weeks of giving something that is a reflection of my style… Classic and colorful with a hint of eclectic. I love the bold Ikat petals on these delicate porcelain plates… it’s just the right mix for a party of pretty! I can’t wait to give them to one very lucky Kiki’s List Follower.

Here are the rules for the contest:
1.) You must be a Follower of Kiki’s List.
2. )To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment on this post between today, Wednesday, December 22, 2010 and Friday, December 24 telling me why you should win. A winner will be selected at random and will be announced next Monday, December 27.
3.) To receive an additional entry, you can link to this post on your own blog (include the url to your blog post in your comment). It is up to you to return to this post to enter your second entry after blogging about the giveaway.
4.)Post about this giveaway on Facebook for another additional entry. You must enter the link to this post in you status update. It is up to you to return to this post to enter your second entry after FB’ing about the giveaway.
5.) Lastly, tweet about this giveaway for one last additional entry.
Good Luck and Happy Holidays!
facebooked it!
i don’t know how to add the actual status link. you can add me if you need to check the link. 😉