
It Was a Little Misty…

At the bus stop this morning.  My E Burger started FIRST GRADE!!!  No more drop offs at daycare, today I put my baby on a bus and let her go. New school, new friends, new teacher, new everything…  Ugh.
 She has to be at the bus stop at 7:15, so needless to say, it is going to be an adjustment for her (and us.)  It took me 20 minutes to wake her up today.  Mike asked if she was breathing.
There was quite a sendoff.
I am feeling so incredibly guilty, because I have to go to California all week.  I literally cried when I found out about this trip.  I was able to postpone my departure for this afternoon, but I won’t be able to talk to her until tomorrow because my flight leaves right before she gets home, and I’ll be in the air for six hours.
 Thank God for Grandpa and Helen who came to help out for the week.
The nerves subsided as she met some friends at the bus stop— there are seven first grade classes at her new school– 2005 was a baby boom in our community.
And off she goes.
My heart melted as she turned to blow a kiss.
This is the part where Mommy cries. Good luck today, my girl.  I love you.

4 thoughts on “It Was a Little Misty…

  1. LindsB

    I love that you guys wear Red Sox hats- too cute! Oh and that outfit she is wearing is precious, such a cutie!

  2. lottie

    Travel safe! Looking forward to hearing how the first day went. I love the mother and child off in the distance who are about to miss the bus. The mother is rushing and it looks like the child is doing everything possible to be late. At least that wasn’t you this morning!

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