Category Archives: A Motherly Moment


A Lil’ Sugar From Lil Sugar.

A big thanks to Lil Sugar who featured Lou’s party last week.  If you are a Momma and have not checked out this site, stop reading and hop over now.  You are seriously missing out.  From the same peeps who brought us POPSUGAR, Lil Sugar is sure to be “Mommy’s Little Helper.”
Stop on by for some helpful information, celebrity baby news and of course a few laughs.  This post is a personal favorite:
Good luck Connie, I am glad that this kitchen is CLOSED.


Cover it Up.

Ahhh…. Memorial Day weekend.  Time to hit the water.
 I can not fathom how another year has past and another summer is about to begin.  I fully understand and appreciate that Memorial Day is about remembering those who have lost their lives for our country and am so grateful to all of the people who risk their lives daily to defend our freedom.  However, Memorial Day for me marks another year where I promised myself that I am not going to be the fat Mom sitting at the pool in her MuuMuu. Yet once again, I have failed to deliver on that promise.   I don’t want anyone to think that I am a self-loathing 35 year old with no self confidence… that is certainly not the case.  I am just stating the facts;  wishing I had run a few hundred miles or stopped eating Chipotle before this weekend so that  I looked a little more like this:
But perhaps I should just resign to my fate and just start shopping here.


Time to Share.

See this little chunkalotta?  That’s my niece, Olivia with my beautiful Sister-in-Law, Milena (at Lou’s Tinker Bell Party last year.) 
After a long night at the hospital, she now has a sweet baby sister.  Julia Grace, born at 12:03 this morning, 8 lbs. 9 oz.

As you can see from this picture, she is not so good at sharing.

This should be interesting.;)


Stopping to Smell the Flowers.

As of late, my life has been crazy.  Like, seriously, crazy.  I am stressed beyond belief and trying to find a way to find a balance, especially for my girls.  Yesterday morning, my almost-4-year old girl wanted to go out and pick a flower for her teacher.  Of course, I was late (as usual) but I stopped and thought to myself “If I don’t take this moment in now, when will I?”  I strive very hard (or at least that is my intention) to make sure that my girls are kind and considerate, and that is exactly the behavior that Lou was demonstrating.  Of course, if I start to think about the amount of times that our schedule or life gets in the way of that my head might explode.  I would never want my girls to think that there is anything more important than them… but unfortunately, sometimes my behavior shows otherwise.  So, here’s to a new, calmer me and training myself how to stop and smell the flowers.


Ryann Colleen Photo Shoot.

My friend Ryann Laden of Ryann Colleen Photography was so sweet to come out and take some pictures of us.  Spoiler Alert:  For those of you receiving Christmas cards from the Salmons, expect one of these pictures to be on it.  Ryann did an amazing job and the girls absolutely ADORED her.  We had so much fun.

Thank You Ryann, these are pictures that we will treasure forever.



Today my husband turns 40.  He insisted that there be no parties, or major celebrations… that he just wanted to turn 40 quietly.  While I am respecting his decision, I would like to take today to celebrate him.  I could not ask for a better husband or father for my girls.   I have never seen a father who shares the closeness with his daughters that he does.  I am so grateful for the bond that they share.  So today, Michael Salmon, we celebrate you and your 14,605 days of life. (Including leap years of course!)