Category Archives: A Motherly Moment


Lou’s Room: The Reveal.

Bit by bit, we have been working on Lou’s big girl room since last spring.  And I am proud to finally show all of you the finished product.
In between work, kids and blogging, we built the room, step by step.  It all started with a plan.
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
Unfortunately, the fabric for the curtains has been discontinued.  It is a P. Kaufman fabric.  The Pattern is Camelot and the color is Lake.
We were able to repurpose the bed skirt from the crib to make the bed skirt and borders for the throw pillows.  The sconces were on sale at Restoration Hardware.
Corrine Marlowe painted the stripes on the ceiling in the same Melon Shine paint that I used on the bed.
 I kept the Little Castle glider from the nursery because I love it so much.  The store that I bought it from (that has since gone out of business) allowed me to customize it with my own fabrics.  The little chair was a gift that Mom brought back from Rhode Island when she found out I was pregnant with E.
 Luckily our changing table was convertible.  The mirror was a originally a butterfly picture that I scored on clearance at Home Goods.  I painted it Pear Green.
I knew exactly what I wanted for the chandelier… the problem is that it didn’t exist.
Then I found Lindsey at Simply Salvage, who worked tirelessly on this baby.  Poor Lindsey had no idea what she got herself into with me.  This took over 4,000 hand painted beads.  She painted them Bird’s Egg to match the walls.
My little Lou Lou Bug simply adores her room.  When it was finally done she stayed in there for hours.  While in another room, I heard her talking to herself saying “This is a dream come true!!!  I love my room.  I love my chandelier… I love my pink bed… I love my special lights (that would be the sconces.)….  I love my flowers.. ” Yada, yada, yada.  It warmed my heart.  And that my friends, made it all worth it.  She has slept in her room every night since.


St. Baldrick’s.

Many of you who have been reading this blog for sometime know about our friends the Carmicals.  Well, on Wednesday at Union Station, Sherri and 46 other moms who have been affected by Pediatric Cancer shaved their heads for St. Baldrick’s.  
Sherri before…

… and after.
St. Baldrick’s is a volunteer-driven foundation committed to raising funds to find cures for childhood cancers.  In March, I watched as my big brother, Darren shaved his head in the fight against Pediatric Cancer at another event here in DC.  His company raised over $100,000 that night alone.  
You can see Darren’s before and afters as well as Stan Carmical’s moving speech in this very touching video.
Find out how you can get involved here.


I Don’t Know How She Does It.

Along with the millions of other working mothers out there, I am SO excited for the release of SJP’s new movie, I Don’t Know How She Does It today. This film, adapted from the British Novel written by Allison Pearson seems like it could so easily be any of us.   Often you will see the trials and tribulations of this working mother in my A Motherly Moment posts.  This scene was eerily similar to our lice outbreak last summer.  Now that it is behind me, I can laugh about it, and plan to when sitting in the theater.
One thing is for sure, motherhood is not glamorous, whether you stay at home or work outside of the home.  Dirty diapers, runny noses and of course the uber-gross bathroom moments are all part of the job.  I think we will all get a good chuckle out of these comedic gems.  Again, much funnier when you are looking in the rear view mirror.
I have friends that stay at home with their children, as well as friends that work to provide for their family.  Is there a right choice?  Of course not.  Being a mother is not an easy job for anyone.  Rewarding?  Yes.  But not easy.  I receive many emails from readers asking me how I maintain a family, a full time job, this blog and several other projects.  The fact is that something does have to give.   On a constant basis I feel the guilt of not being there for my children.  As many of you know, E started first grade this year and the fact that I have to hire a babysitter to pick her up at the bus stop each day does NOT sit well with me.  To add to the mounting pile of guilt,  I had to put her on a bus for her very first day of school, then hopped on a flight to California for five days.  I took the red eye home on Friday to spend “quality” time with my family, but was so exhausted that I couldn’t even keep my eyes open when I returned.
We all have goals in life and I can tell you that nobody can keep up this pace for long.  At some point we all have to set our limits.  I am so fortunate to have had the success that I have had professionally as well as the fulfillment and opportunities that this blog brings.  I (like every other mother) will have to make a choice, but rest assured that no matter what I choose, the one thing that will not give is my kids.


Not Optimal.

So, things have not exactly been working in my favor lately.  It has seriously been raining for 500 days here in NoVa.  We have had major flooding, and a lot of the local schools are closed.   E’s birthday party is tomorrow and here is the weather forecast:
Despite the rain cloud and accompanying thunderbolt in this forecast, there is only a 30% chance of rain tomorrow, which is 70% more optimistically dry that it has been in a week.
A few weeks ago I ordered 100 guitar picks online (originally black) and they won’t be ready for another week. The company shipped me 100 picks in this white material at a 50% discount and overnighted them.  Mike was at the house today when they arrived and sent me this pic… They look a little blurry to me.  
Did I mention that I couldn’t cancel the other order?… So I will have 200 guitar picks.  If you have a little guitar player, let me know!
Lastly I spent an hour cutting and putting together these back stage passes for E to hand out to her guests as they arrive.
See anything that is wrong?  The date at the top says September 10 (correct date) and the date at the bottom says 9/1 (incorrect date.)  I know what you are thinking– nobody will notice (at least that’s what Mike tells me) but the perfectionist in me cannot let it go.  Back to the drawing board on that project.  
My darling husband always seems to keep me grounded in my neuroses.  As he would tell me “it’s just a party, and the most important thing is that we are all together and having fun…” and he is right!  So to all of you party people, bring your galoshes- this party will go on!


It Was a Little Misty…

At the bus stop this morning.  My E Burger started FIRST GRADE!!!  No more drop offs at daycare, today I put my baby on a bus and let her go. New school, new friends, new teacher, new everything…  Ugh.
 She has to be at the bus stop at 7:15, so needless to say, it is going to be an adjustment for her (and us.)  It took me 20 minutes to wake her up today.  Mike asked if she was breathing.
There was quite a sendoff.
I am feeling so incredibly guilty, because I have to go to California all week.  I literally cried when I found out about this trip.  I was able to postpone my departure for this afternoon, but I won’t be able to talk to her until tomorrow because my flight leaves right before she gets home, and I’ll be in the air for six hours.
 Thank God for Grandpa and Helen who came to help out for the week.
The nerves subsided as she met some friends at the bus stop— there are seven first grade classes at her new school– 2005 was a baby boom in our community.
And off she goes.
My heart melted as she turned to blow a kiss.
This is the part where Mommy cries. Good luck today, my girl.  I love you.


A New Chapter.

Today would have been my parent’s 42nd wedding anniversary.  I am thinking of you today, Mom.  She has been gone for almost six years now.  It’s hard to believe.  Time marches on, and things change.  Last month, my father and his girlfriend, Helen got engaged.  Helen is a lovely woman and has been a part of our family for many years now.  We absolutely adore her, and we are happy to celebrate this union with them next summer.
  Lately I have been having dreams that my mother is alive, and Dad and Helen have moved on, and she is left out of the mix.  I feel so torn between them.  I know, it’s my own craziness. For some reason, it feels like a part of our family is being left behind.  Don’t get me wrong, Helen has done a wonderful job navigating through these tough waters.  She has never tried to replace her, and we talk about my mother constantly.  To top it all off, she often helps out with my 90 year old grandmother, Nanny (my mom’s mom.) Which for most would be quite awkward (especially since she is not an ahem… easy woman.)

Nanny giving a toast at her 90th birthday party.

As time goes on, I am nervous that it will be harder and harder to keep the memory of my mother alive.  I am scared that I will forget the feel of her skin, or her smell, or even the piercing sound of her voice (think Fran Drescher.) Then I look to my girls, who seem to have this unwavering connection with her.  They think that she is hilarious, and they never even knew her.  Every night as I put them to bed they ask me to tell them a story of when I was a little girl.  Inevitably, all of their favorite stories contain my mother.  They think that my impersonation of her New York accent is hilarious, and E is constantly repeating the one-liners that seemed to come out of her mouth. 
For example, my entire family and Mike came to JMU for my college graduation.  My mom (Neets, as I called her) was never much of a drinker.  The night before my graduation, we dropped my mom and Nanny off at the hotel. Mike drove my Dad (who we affectionately refer to as Big John), my siblings, my roommates, and I around from bar to bar.  Sure enough it was closing time and Big John was not ready to throw in the towel.  Not only did he convince a local pizza joint to open it’s doors and make us pizza, he greased them into serving us more beer.  So…… with two hours of sleep, we were all a wreck the next day.  Neets was PISSED.  So with all seven of us packed into the family roadster, my mother would not stop talking (which was not unusual for her) but the more we asked her to stop, the louder she became.  It was clear she was going to teach all of us (especially Big John) a lesson.  In between her ramblings, we passed by a flower bed that beautifully depicted the JMU logo, and without even taking a breath she said in between ramblings “Awwwhhhh, look at the flowaaaas” (my best phonetic NY accent.)  It was so funny, I nearly peed my pants.   
Now, when Mike and I are driving in the car with the girls, E will randomly bust out with “Awwwhhhh, look at the flowaaaas”  Still gets me every time.  Through these moments. it occurs to me that we are keeping her memory alive. While it’s important to share memories of the past, it is much more important to live in the present. So, as we move into this new uncharted chapter for our family, we welcome Helen with open arms, and will continue to keep Neet’s memory alive.  Above all, we will always “look at the flowaaaas.”