After our Spring Break plans blew up, my sister was kind enough to let the girls and I crash their Spring Break. The girls were so happy to be with their cousins and made memories that will last a lifetime.
We planned to spend three days at Disney, but after two full days I couldn’t take any more. Lou and I went to Dad’s house while E stayed with Karen’s family to brave Hollywood Studios. Word to the wise: Don’t EVER go Disney on Spring Break. I think that we maybe got on 4 rides each day. Although it is the “Happiest Place on Earth” I have never been happier than when I left Orlando. We had to laugh as we left the park at 11:00 the last night everyone looked absolutely MISERABLE. There were a few bright moments, and they made it all worth it.
This trip has validated what I already know about myself. I hate crowds, waiting and long drives. I am more of a sit and relax on the beach kind of girl. And after escaping Orlando, we were able to get in a little R & R.
And then there was the dreaded 14 hour drive home. Just so you know, there is no “off” button on this one. Uggggg…..