Category Archives: food


Holiday Hor D’Oeuvres

What to serve, what to serve…. That is the question.  Here are some delicious ideas that will make your guests think you put in some serious hours in the kitchen.  To cut corners (I am all about that during the holidays, by the way) think Trader Joes (pre-made soups, spreads and cooked beets. I really LOVE their frozen d’oeuvres and flatbreads.)
Shrimp Shooters
Proscuitto and Melon Bites



I think it’s safe to say that we are all tightening our belts this holiday season.  One of my favorite things to do with my girls during the holidays is to make Peppermint Bark.  It’s so easy and fun, and a great gift for hostesses or co-workers.  It has three simple ingredients 1.) Milk Chocolate (I use Ghiradelli, they sell big chunks of it at Trader Joe’s.) 2.) White Chocolate  3.) Crushed Candy Canes.
Recipe here.
If Peppermint Bark is not your thing, here are a few other Peppermintlicious holiday treats to tickle your fancy.


Pizza Partay.

Last week Mike was out of town, and the girls and I decided to have a pizza party.  Despite the mess that was made, we had a ball, and the pizzas were delish! It was such a fun activity, and I find that when the girls have an active part in the preparation of dinner, they do a much better job of eating it.
E’s hair looks a lot closer to the mixer than it actually is… in retrospect, a ponytail would have been a good idea.
They had so much fun with the dough.
 My little chef.  Coincidentally, she has been saying for years that she wants to own a pizza restaurant when she grows up.
I gave Lou the leftover dough to play with when she was done making her masterpiece.
Pineapple, jalapenos and prosciutto for Mom, turkey pepperoni for the girls.
 The finished product.
The girls were uber grossed-out by my toppings, but I have to say… it was scrumptious.
I think we may have to make this a weekly ritual.
Make-your own pizza parties are also a great option for entertaining on a budget. I am not a baker, so I followed this pizza dough recipe online.   If you don’t want to make your own dough, I highly suggest Trader Joe’s pre-made dough.  It’s $0.99 and it’s delicious!  As most of you know (being Italian) I am a sauce snob, so I make my own pizza sauce.  What makes pizza sauce different from marinara is the sweet factor.  I add sugar to my marinara, but not to my pizza sauce.  I am also not typically a fan of oregano in sauce, but pizza sauce calls for it.  Here is my recipe.  Pretty simple, pretty good.




  • 1 (6 oz) can tomato paste
  • 1 (8 oz) can tomato sauce
  • 1/2 large yellow onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • sprinkle of ground red pepper 
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon oregano



1. Cover bottom of pot with olive oil and saute onions on medium heat until golden.  
2. Add minced garlic.
3. Saute garlic and onions for 1-2 minutes then add tomato paste.  Stir.
4. Once tomato paste is stirred into mixture, add tomato sauce.  Stir.
5. Add salt, pepper, red pepper and oregano.  Stir.  
6.) Let cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.



Fried Green Goodness.

The tomatoes in our garden are thriving.  We can’t eat them fast enough.  We originally planted two varieties; a cherry tomato and one similar to a beefsteak.  After our trip down south, I was inspired to make some fried green tomatoes.
The girls had a blast picking them from the garden.
Mom was obviously in charge of the slicing…
and I think that they had the most fun coating the tomatoes.
Lou was in charge of the flour (you can imagine what our kitchen looked like afterwards.)
E did the bread crumb mixture.
We also fried up some goat cheese.
I should also mention that we planted some red onions.  I tossed them with some arugula, avocados and oil and vinegar (a little salt and pepper too),
topped with our fried deliciousness,
and served with some grilled corn and Daddy Steak.
It was amazing.  I literally danced throughout dinner it was that good.

  • 4 medium green tomatoes
  • 1 log of goat cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup cornmeal
  • 1/2 cup plain bread crumbs
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
  • vegetable oil for frying


1.) Slice tomatoes and goat cheese (if you don’t cook goat cheese immediately, place in freezer to keep firm)
2.) Place the flour on one plate, the whisked eggs in a bowl and the cornmeal, bread crumbs and salt and pepper on another plate.
3.) Start with tomatoes.  Coat in flour, then dip in the eggs and lastly dredge in bread crumbs.  Make sure they are fully coated.  Place on clean plate until all tomatoes are coated.
4.) Cover the bottom of a large skillet in vegetable oil, place on medium heat.  Once oil has been heated add tomatoes (do not crowd) once the tomatoes are browned. flip and fry on the other side.  Drain on paper towels.
5.) Repeat steps 1-4 with goat cheese patties.
6.) Enjoy.  You’ll be doing a dance too!



You Say Tomato.

While our strawberries may not have fared the devious squirrel in our neighborhood, our tomatoes are thriving.  There is truly nothing better than picking ingredients for your dinner from your own garden.  Last week roasted tomatoes were on the menu.
 From the garden…  To a baking sheet.
 Drizzle with olive oil
and a little salt and pepper.  Roast at 300 degrees for 45 minutes and presto!
Italian chopped salad with grilled chicken and roasted tomatoes.


Best. Marinade. Ever.

Years ago a friend of mine who lives in Florida clued me in on Pirate’s Gold Marinade.  It is literally the best marinade ever.  We use it everything we grill, and dinner guests always rave about it.  I often send them home with a bottle.  E always says that Daddy makes the best steak in the world… I’m not going to rain on his parade and clue her in on Daddy’s little secret!


Micheladas Anyone?

I was perusing though the Internet last night and saw this recipe on Social Couture’s blog.  This spicy Mexican Beer Cocktail recipe is the perfect way to kick off the Summer.    Cervezas preparadas, or “prepared beers,” are popular throughout Mexico.  While I am not particularly a beer drinker, this one is making my mouth water!  

12 oz beer
juice of 1 lemons
2 dashes Worcestershire sauce
1 dash soy sauce
1 dash Tabasco® sauce
1 pinch black peppers

Mix ingredients in a tall high glass with lots of ice. Add beer, mix, and serve.