Category Archives: Inspiration


Shop For a Cure.

Many of you were so touched by our friends the Carmicals, and their battle with pediatric cancer. Through Declan’s Journey, thousands of people around the world were touched by this baby boy and his family. Sadly, Declan lost that battle on August 18, just eight days shy of his 1st birthday.

This past week, I spoke with Sherri on the phone and was able to catch up, which was long overdue. As you may know, Declan is buried just steps from my Mom, and the girls and I visit him often. Even after everything that Sherri has been through, the first thing that she said to me was that she thinks of me every time she visits Declan. I guess once you become part of the not-so-elite club of losing someone close to you, you get it. We even joked about how the girls and I had ice cream at Declan’s grave on his birthday. While some may think it’s morbid, or weird, it’s become a part of our lives. My mother was such a force within my life, and somehow, someway my girls feel that too. They ask to go see Grandma and actually get upset if we happen to drive by the cemetery and not stop. Sherri and I laughed about how the cemetery is like a second home to our kids— but it’s peaceful, and it’s beautiful.

So, while Sherri has found as much peace as she can visiting her baby in a cemetery, she continues to fight so that she can hopefully save other mothers from the heartache that she and Stan have been through. I will never forget how proud, touched and amazed I was at Declan’s funeral when Sherri wrote a letter to her precious boy and vowed to keep up this fight.. and what a fighter she is.

Sherri and Stan have started Journey-4-A-Cure, a foundation started in honor of Declan to advance research for a cure to pediatric cancer. Recently, they have teamed up with RuMe Bags for a promotion through December 31. Purchase any items and not only will you receive 10% off, but RuMe Bags will also donate 30% of your purchase to Journey-4-A-Cure. (Promo Code: CURE.)

They have some great designs that fold up perfectly to fit in your purse, laptop bag, or even carry on.. and how adorable is the Jr. line? I know that I will be purchasing the cuff for myself as well as Mike– great for all of the activities that we will be doing during our post-holiday boot camp. Also, I snagged a few of the reusable baggies for snacks for the girls… They can also be used as make-up bags, or a little change purse for my beach bag.

So many great options for stocking stuffers, already at great prices. Now you can get an additional 10% and donate to a great cause… Sounds like a no-brainer to me.

Love this line, and I hope you do too. Let’s all shop for a cure!


An Inspiration For Us All.

My heart is breaking today for the Carmical family who lost their sweet baby Declan early this morning. Thank you to all of you who have been keeping him in your prayers. Last night our family had the privilege of attending a candlelight vigil to pray for Declan at the Carmicals’ home. Words cannot describe the emotions that filled that street. What a beautiful service for a beautiful little boy.

When it came time to pray, the crowd was asked if they’d like to say anything. One neighbor stood up and perfectly described how Declan, although just shy of a year old, left a huge mark on this world. She said that we live in a community of affluence… we are blessed. Declan brought this community back together (like all communities should be.) He made you smile at passerby, think about how you can help others (and actually do it) and hold your kids a little tighter. You see, Declan was not just a gift to the Carmical and DiLoretta families, he was a gift to us all. Over 4,000 people connected daily over a blog that Sherri and Stan set up to notify friends and family on Declan’s progress. I know that I (as well as each member of my family) have been inspired by not only Declan, but the entire Carmical family. So sweet baby Declan, if you are listening up in heaven, know what an impact you made on so many people down here on earth. Oh, and I’ve also talked to my #1 guardian angel and asked her to take good care of you. You will be missed. Rest in peace, sweet boy.

Below is a beautiful prayer that was said at the vigil. I was so touched by it, I thought it might help others to cope with such a loss.

I’ll lend you for a little while, a child of mine, God said
For you to love the while he lives and mourn for when he’s dead.
It may be six or seven years, or forty-two or three.
But will you, till I call him back take care of him for me?
He’ll bring his charms to gladden you, and – should his stay be brief –
You’ll have his lovely memories as a solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay for all from earth returns,
But there are lessons taught below I want this child to learn.
I’ve looked the whole world over in my search for teachers true.
And from all beings that crowd life’s land, I have chosen you.
Now, will you give him all your love? Nor think the labor vain.
Nor hate me when I come to take this lent child back again.
I fancied that I heard you say “Dear Lord, Thy will be done.
For all the joys Thy child will bring the risk of grief we’ll run.
We will shelter him with tenderness, we’ll love him while we may –
And for the happiness we have known, forever grateful stay.
But should the angels come for him much sooner than we planned.
We’ll brave the bitter grief that comes and try – to understand.”
-Author Unknown.

PS: Sherri.. If you are reading… That picture is for you. xo- The Salmon Clan.


A Date With My Girl.

Last Saturday, I took my favorite almost-five-year-old out for a date that consisted of dinner and a movie.Since she is at that in-between stage of a toddler and a big girl, we were dealing with some behavioral issues that we were trying to break her of.Long story short- this date was a privilege that she earned for her good behavior.
We went to a fairly nice restaurant (let’s be real, I was with a 4 year old… we are not talking Morton’s here, but there were at least linen tablecloths.I was just thrilled to not have to order out of a clown’s nose.)Despite her telling me that her “burger tasted a little bland,” we had a fantastic dinner.Great company, fantastic conversation- I was amazed at how much my little girl had grown up.Gone are the days of telling her repeatedly to sit down, or stop whining. (Keeping my fingers crossed on that one!)
After dinner, we were off to see Ramona and Beezus. Growing up, I loved reading Beverly Cleary’s stories about that mischievous girl next door, Ramona, and her older sister, Beatrice. As Cleary says “It is not that Ramona deliberately sets out to make trouble for other people. She simply has more imagination than is healthy for any one person.”
When the director of the film, Elizabeth Allen sat down with Cleary to discuss the making of the film, here is what she uncovered:
“I feel it’s about girl who thinks outside the lines, who’s struggling to figure out how to conform without losing her personality,'” Allen says. “And Beverly felt strongly that it was actually just about a girl learning how to grow up.”
“She has an imagination,” Beverly Cleary says of her most famous creation. “And some of her things just don’t turn out the way she expected. “Those “things” often get Ramona in trouble, and then make her feel misunderstood.
This interview sums up my revelation during the film.We hold our children to such high standards that sometimes we forget that they are just that- children. True, Ramona does march to the beat of her own drum, much like my E… oh yeah, and much someone else used to… ME! But don’t we need a little bit more of that in this world?
I will never forget, when I would give my mother a hard time growing up, she would tell me “I wish you no harm in this world, all I wish is that you have a little girl just like yourself. ”Well Neets, you got your wish.  As parents we focus so much on the “hard metrics” of parenting… Are they doing well in school? Do they follow directions? What activities do I need to sign them up for? How do they compare against their peers? Saturday night was a great interruption from all of the noise- allowing me to focus on what was really important in raising happy, healthy kids.
So, the very reason why we were at this movie was as much a privilege for me as it was for her.And as my little girl moved from her chair and nestled into my lap during the last half of the film, here is what occurred to me:
1. It’s important to set expectations for your children, but always remember that they are just that- children.
2. Encourage creativity.
3. Always let your child know how much you love them.
4. Be a positive role model.
5. You can never get (or give) too many kisses and hugs.
6. It’s okay to be different.
7. Everyone is special.
8. Celebrate all accomplishments, big and small.
9. Teach your children how to bond with their siblings- this is a relationship that will last long after you are gone.
10. The most important thing in life is to be happy.


So Proud.

This morning my husband just finished his first triathlon in 21 years. We are so incredibly proud of him. He has been training for months. We are very fortunate to have amazing friends who also made it out very early on a Sunday morning to support him. The girls were beyond excited to see Daddy approach the finish line, and seeing them gave him the strength to kick it into high gear and make it to the end. What a great accomplishment.

Of course, we commemorated the occasion with a celebratory feast at iHop. “Can I have extra whipped cream on my pancakes, please?”