Category Archives: kiddos


Fashion Friday: CrewCuts Back to School.

I admit it, I am a sucker for CrewCuts.  I think my girls have more J. Crew than I do.  I just can’t walk away.  The good news is that everything I buy there lasts for a few seasons so I feel good about the money spent.  Have you seen the latest catalog?  Ugh.
As my girls are headed back to school on Monday, here are some of my favorite pieces for Fall.



Stylish Little Tikes.

Has anyone else noticed that the Land of Nod has seriously stepped up their game?  I mean, Serena and Lily better watch their back.  For reals.
Do they make this in a King???  Because I want it.. Bad.
 This guy is only $69.  I’ll take 4.
 Again.. would it be appropriate to put this in my bedroom?
These would make for a great hamper….  The following are all candidates for the girls’ bathroom.
 .. And who wouldn’t love these Otomi Animales Bedding sets?


Lou’s 4th Birthday.

This year, Lou wanted a Strawberry Shortcake theme.. So I went with it.  I tried to incorporate as many tasteful strawberries as possible, but the overall theme tying everything together was pink.  Perfect for a party full of four-year-old girls.  We had such a fun time!
Photography- Ryann Colleen
Invitations- Belly Bean Cards
Marshmallows- One More Bite
Ombre Ruffled Table Cloth- Gravina Sisters
Strawberry Boxes- Simple Tastes
Strawberry Jewelry- Similar found here
Strawberry Shirt- Lemon Lime Babies
Strawberry Piñata– Shindigz


Stopping to Smell the Flowers.

As of late, my life has been crazy.  Like, seriously, crazy.  I am stressed beyond belief and trying to find a way to find a balance, especially for my girls.  Yesterday morning, my almost-4-year old girl wanted to go out and pick a flower for her teacher.  Of course, I was late (as usual) but I stopped and thought to myself “If I don’t take this moment in now, when will I?”  I strive very hard (or at least that is my intention) to make sure that my girls are kind and considerate, and that is exactly the behavior that Lou was demonstrating.  Of course, if I start to think about the amount of times that our schedule or life gets in the way of that my head might explode.  I would never want my girls to think that there is anything more important than them… but unfortunately, sometimes my behavior shows otherwise.  So, here’s to a new, calmer me and training myself how to stop and smell the flowers.