Category Archives: My Make-Up Bag


Smoke and Mirrors.

I think it’s safe to say that everyone loves a good smokey eye. However, many women steer clear of this make-up maneuver for fear of 1. looking like a streetwalker and 2. looking like you slept in yesterday’s make-up. Obviously, neither of these options are appealing.

Fear no more ladies… Follow these 6 steps to smokey eye bliss. You can even do it yourself! To ensure you have a clean application be sure to do your eyes first, clean up any residue on your face, then apply concealer and foundation. Also, to avoid looking like a street walker, make sure to keep your lips nude, with only a touch of gloss. And lastly, easy on the blush ladies….

1. Prep your lids. Also known as a primer, these products keep your make-up from melting off. I love Trish McEvoy and MAC.
2. Apply Eyeliner. Although I generally use liquid liner, a powder applied with an eyeliner brush is best for smokey eyes. You could spend a lot of money on different colors, but my girl Bobbi has put it all together for you here. Start at the inner corner and work your way out. Make the line a bit thicker in the middle of the lid, then bring it back down as you move outward.
3. Line your lower lids. Use the same powder on the lower lid, apply generously, then smudge with your finger. Tip: Powder will sprinkle your face. I tend to lick tip tip of a Q-Tip to clean up under eye area.
4. Apply base color. Pick a cream, shimmery color to apply over top lid. Start at the inner corner and bring it up to your brow bone.
5. Blend, Blend, Blend. Start at the lash line and blend upwards. Essentially, the eyeliner “line” should disappear.
6. Apply a TON of mascara. I always go with jet black. This is my absolute favorite mascara.

Talk about smoke and mirrors- if you are still afraid… there’s always this. No matter your technique- smoke it up, then grab your clutch, put on your embellished heels and hit the town!


The Colors of Summer.

I just got my nails did on Friday, and so many people asked me what color I was wearing- I decided to write this post.

Every salon has their preference in brand of nail polish. Mine uses OPI. A few months ago I ordered a bottle of Punchy Pink from J. Crew for the girls. One day I got a wild hair and put it on my fingers and toes. It took a day to get used to, but I absolutely loved it- and got a ton of compliments.
Here are my “go to” OPI colors that made it onto Kiki’s List, with an honorable mention for Essie’s Punchy Pink, of course.

1. Bubble Bath– The perfect pinky-nude shade. Great for all seasons.
2. Lincoln Park After Dark– Not black. Not purple. Somewhere in between.
3. Ate Berries in the Canaries– A gorgeous shade of orchid. This has been my #1 pick this summer.
4. Dim Sum Plum– Currently on my nails. I chose this because they were out of #3… Marvelous color.
5. Shorts Story– A great shade of watermelon. Looks fantastic with a tan!
6. Pink Flamenco– Hot pink. I love it.
7. Dutch Tulips– Red infused with the perfect amount of pink. This is my “go-to” red.
8. Cajun Shrimp– A great shade of coral. Warning- wear this only when you have a tan.
Check out all of these colors and more here. I love that you can even adjust the nail length and the skin tone. Perfect way to get a sneak peak before you commit!
Order Essie’s Punchy Pink here.


In the Bag…

Everyone always asks me why I carry such a big bag. Generally I respond “Go big or stay home.” but in all seriousness, as a working mother I have a lot of s@$# to carry! My husband goes crazy with the amount of designer handbags I own, but honestly, I have not bought a new one in almost two years. If you invest wisely and take care of them, they really do last a lifetime. I used to switch handbags daily, but with two kids I am lucky to remember a bag at all. The bag that I am currently carrying is the Michael Kors Santorini Bag, Circa 2006. I have used it every summer for the past four years. Besides a little bit of sand (it doubles as a beach bag), and a few minor stains on the inside, it’s as good as new!

I always find it so interesting how women at different stages of their lives carry different things. My suspicion is that many of you have bags filled with similar items. Here’s what I’m currently toting around.
1.) Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas Key Pouch ($135) I bought this in 2005 when I had E. It was a great solution as I was always leaving my wallet in the diaper bag, and would get to work on Monday morning realizing that I had no money or credit cards. Now they come with me everywhere I go!
2.) Ray Ban Cockpit Sunglasses ($135) Smaller Shades for smaller heads.
3.) Burberry Nova Check Make-Up Case ($35) Another great buy. I got this little baby at the Burberry outlet store in 2004, and she still looks like new!
4.) Laura Mercier Foundation Powder #5 ($40) A great “quick fix” for any blemishes.
5.) Buxom Lips in Katie ($18)– Plumps your lips and gives them a natural glow. I also love the minty tingle!
6.) Sula Stiletto Musk Perfume Oil ($18)– Light yet Musky. Not too sweet. This is one of my favorite scents. In fact, I get compliments on it all the time!
7.) Kiehl’s Lip Balm #1 ($17) It’s the best! I always apply it under my lip gloss.
8.) Goody Ouchless Hair Bands ($2.49) I have two little girls… need I say more?
9.) Yo Gabba Gabba Panties (size 3 T) My little Foofa is learning to use the potty. Must have extra panties on hand at all times. Kohls is the only place that has these in stock.
10.) Envirosax ($8.95) I carry three in my bag at all times. They are great. They fold up into tiny lipstick-size rolls, and they hold more groceries than any other recyclable bag out there. Lastly, they are STRONG. No need to worry about them breaking under pressure.
11.) iPhone ($299)- We are an Apple family. I don’t know what I did before my iPhone. E-mail, text, iCal, videos, camera, Internet, iPod and the girls love all of the Apps… oh yeah, and it’s a phone too!
12.) iPad ($499) This thing saved our asses when we were on vacation. The girls can watch any of their shows on demand. Great for doctor’s offices and long car rides. E loves to play games on here. I highly recommend the interactive story of the Little Mermaid. (Warning: It’s the Hans Christian Andersen version, so she dies in the end.)
13.) Old Navy Water Bottles ($5) These are adorable, durable and made of steel (literally.) I try to carry metal water bottles as much as possible due to all of the plastic warnings. Don’t let your kids drink out of plastic bottles left in a hot car- there are many cases of cancer linked to this.
14.)L’Occtaine Shea Butter Hand Cream ($26) Super emulsifying and smells like a baby’s bottom!
15.) Chanel Le Petit Pinceau Brush ($34) Compact so it fits in my makeup mag, yet the the tip is large enough for great coverage.
16.) The Body Shop Natural Blotting Tissues (10)– I have an oily T-zone. These are fantastic at removing the oil without removing your make-up.