So, things have not exactly been working in my favor lately. It has seriously been raining for 500 days here in NoVa. We have had major flooding, and a lot of the local schools are closed. E’s birthday party is tomorrow and here is the weather forecast:
Despite the rain cloud and accompanying thunderbolt in this forecast, there is only a 30% chance of rain tomorrow, which is 70% more optimistically dry that it has been in a week.
A few weeks ago I ordered 100 guitar picks online (originally black) and they won’t be ready for another week. The company shipped me 100 picks in this white material at a 50% discount and overnighted them. Mike was at the house today when they arrived and sent me this pic… They look a little blurry to me.
Did I mention that I couldn’t cancel the other order?… So I will have 200 guitar picks. If you have a little guitar player, let me know!
Lastly I spent an hour cutting and putting together these back stage passes for E to hand out to her guests as they arrive.
See anything that is wrong? The date at the top says September 10 (correct date) and the date at the bottom says 9/1 (incorrect date.) I know what you are thinking– nobody will notice (at least that’s what Mike tells me) but the perfectionist in me cannot let it go. Back to the drawing board on that project.
My darling husband always seems to keep me grounded in my neuroses. As he would tell me “it’s just a party, and the most important thing is that we are all together and having fun…” and he is right! So to all of you party people, bring your galoshes- this party will go on!