Category Archives: Yo Gabba Gabba
The Festivus of Lou.
Tis the Season: Gift Guide for Kids.
For the next upcoming weeks, I will be doing a gifting segment called Tis the Season. Each Tis the Season post will be filled with ideas for all of the special people in your life.

Everyone was running scared of the Salmon clan this weekend. Luckily E was able to recover in time to enjoy some of the festivities that we had planned. I, on the other hand, was benched. I was so bummed to miss out on Halloween with my girls. I have not eaten in two days, and there seems to be no end in sight.
A special thanks to Rebekah Dempsey from A Blissful Nest for her feature on Lou’s Party. Check out a Blissful Nest for great party ideas, and check out Rebekah’s Etsy Store for fantastic party gear!
Thanks to Natasha Bascom from Fete Fanatic for featuring Lou’s party. Check out Natasha’s blog for some stylish affairs with flair!