Fall Checklist.
I’m Still Here.
Hey Guys-
Yes, I know it’s been a long time since you’ve heard from me over here. I wanted to let yo know I’m here and life is good! It’s been an insanely busy year and one thing led to another and I looked up and it’s been 9 1/2 months! Here is a recap of the last 9 months:
We marched for our lives.
As always, spent some time in Savannah.
Hopie Bear turned ONE in June!
We took several trips to NYC.🍎
Spent Some time in Bethany Beach.
Celebrated E’s 13th Birthday, Mean Girls Style.
I promise life hasn’t gotten too busy that I’ve forgotten all of you. I’ve always said that this blog is a creative outlet for me and will never be a “have to.” That being said, I still love it and will be posting intermittently, so make sure that you “like” Krista Salmon on Facebook and you will be alerted when new posts pop up!
Last Minute Christmas Gifts
My Christmas List.
Gravity Blanket.
If you are still searching for gifts for the holidays.. look no further. The Gravity Blanket is the PERFECT Gift for anyone on your list. I am someone who is a very light sleeper and I always loved the feel of those heavy lead blankets they put on you at the dentist, so when I saw this campaign come up on Kickstarter, I backed it. Well, my blanket arrived two days ago and I am hooked. In fact, my girls are too. When I came into my bedroom last night I found that my Gravity blanket had made it into Anna’s room. Stinker. Everyone needs this blanket!