Category Archives: diy


Trim it Out.

I seem to be all about trim this week (its all in the details!) Adding a custom trim to a pillow is like adding a pair of designer heels to the perfect ensemble.  It takes everything up a notch. In looking for the perfect jacquard for a project, I came across the most amazing online trim wholesaler and couldn’t wait to share it with all of you.  Here are some of my favorites:


DIY Rast Project Update.

I received many emails about my little project in the garage.  Here is the current status.
With a little help from my friends at Duron, I sanded those babies down and applied a few thin coats of oil-based polyurethane.  I think it may have done the trick.  The down side is that it takes FOREVER to dry.  If you try this project yourself, here are a few tips:
1.) Make sure that you sand in between coats… I learned that the hard way.
2.) Prime it, spray one coat of spray paint to build a base, then roll on the next layer of paint.
3.) Don’t do this project when it is 26 degrees outside.
As you can see my O’verlays arrived and they were much thinner than I expected, but I think that will be a good thing.  Also, I was under the impression that they were wood… Not the case.  They are more like a waxy foam board material.
I sanded them down (on top of our trashcan, I was running out of space another reason to wait until Spring!)
Then I sprayed them with a metallic gold paint. I love Krylon.
And now it’s all drying. Tonight I will assemble them.
Stay tuned for the big reveal!


New Years Eve Party

Are you hosting a New Year’s Eve Celebration?  We will just be kicking back with friends and ordering Mexican… nothing fancy.  Adult party upstairs, kids party downstairs.  For those of you who will be celebrating in more of an ahem… adult manner, here are some great ideas.

Tick Tock.

Here are a few fun free printables to spice up your NYE. 


One Hell of an Ikea Hacker.

Upon perusing one of my favorite sites-Ikea Hackers,  I came across two of the best Ikea Hacks I have ever seen.  They both just happen to be from Erin at A Charming Nest.  Let’s take a look at the first hack.
What was once two RAST tables are now gorgeous bedside tables:
And if that wasn’t amazing enough, look at what she did with two HEMNES consoles!
Can you say A-MAZ-ING???
Thanks for the inspiration, Erin… Can’t wait to see what you do next!