Category Archives: Inspiration


Stopping to Smell the Flowers.

As of late, my life has been crazy.  Like, seriously, crazy.  I am stressed beyond belief and trying to find a way to find a balance, especially for my girls.  Yesterday morning, my almost-4-year old girl wanted to go out and pick a flower for her teacher.  Of course, I was late (as usual) but I stopped and thought to myself “If I don’t take this moment in now, when will I?”  I strive very hard (or at least that is my intention) to make sure that my girls are kind and considerate, and that is exactly the behavior that Lou was demonstrating.  Of course, if I start to think about the amount of times that our schedule or life gets in the way of that my head might explode.  I would never want my girls to think that there is anything more important than them… but unfortunately, sometimes my behavior shows otherwise.  So, here’s to a new, calmer me and training myself how to stop and smell the flowers.


Happy to Inspire.

While perusing on Pinterest I came across this picture.
Reminded me a lot of this
As it turns out, Shannon of GoogieMomma saw this picture of Lou’s room and used it as her inspiration to redesign her daughters’ room.
I am so happy that my work was able to inspire someone.  Shannon did a great job on her daughters’ room.  Check it out for yourself here.


I’m Hungry.

Many people ask me where I come up with color schemes.  Honestly, it can come from anywhere; a dress I see on the street, a pillow, often times I get inspiration from things found in nature.  One of the most unusual places that I find color inspiration is in food.  For those of you who follow me on Pinterest, you know that I keep a Color Inspiration Board.  Take a look at how these food color combos can create a beautiful space.

For instance, take a look at these food vignettes, and some of the rooms I found to match.


Inspiration is all around you!


Too Soon.

It was a hard to get out of bed this morning. I don’t normally make a habit of talking about my day job on this blog. Today, I will make an exception.  For four years I have worked for a company that I love.  Before starting here the only Apple product I ever owned was an iPod.  Now, things are different. These products have changed my life, and the leader of this company has changed the way that I think.  An inspiration to us all, Steve was a visionary, and will sorely be missed.  One thing that people forget is that behind this corporate figure is a husband and a father, who won’t get to see his children get married, or kiss his wife goodnight ever again.
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

 Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. 

Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice.

 And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. 

They somehow already know what you truly want to become. 

Everything else is secondary.” 

Words to live by.  Rest in peace, SJ.



St. Baldrick’s.

Many of you who have been reading this blog for sometime know about our friends the Carmicals.  Well, on Wednesday at Union Station, Sherri and 46 other moms who have been affected by Pediatric Cancer shaved their heads for St. Baldrick’s.  
Sherri before…

… and after.
St. Baldrick’s is a volunteer-driven foundation committed to raising funds to find cures for childhood cancers.  In March, I watched as my big brother, Darren shaved his head in the fight against Pediatric Cancer at another event here in DC.  His company raised over $100,000 that night alone.  
You can see Darren’s before and afters as well as Stan Carmical’s moving speech in this very touching video.
Find out how you can get involved here.


TOMS: Shoes For a Better Tomorrow.

Ok, so I am a total hypocrite.  One of my friends at work wears a pair of TOMS every casual Friday, and would have to endure my ruthless taunting.  “F-ing Hippie” was probably the most popular name of choice.  For some reason, these shoes reminded me of the dudes in college who always smelled and sat outside the dining hall playing hacky sack.
So…. two weeks ago, before leaving for our trip, the philanthropist in me took over.  I bought a pair of these puppies on a whim and I will be the first to eat a piece of humble pie and tell you that they are THE most comfortable shoes that I have ever worn.  I’m sold.

For those of you who are unaware of TOMS, it was a company started by Blake Mycoskie. (Yes, there is no Tom.. TOMS is short for Shoes for Tomorrow.) During a trip to Argentina, he had noticed that they children had nothing to protect their feet.  TOMS was born in 2006, and with it’s one to one program, it vows to donate one pair of shoes for every pair of TOMS that are purchased.  After starting TOMS, he later returned to Argentina with a delivery of over 10,000 shoes to donate.  TOMS now donates to over 24 countries and has now donated over 1 Million pairs of shoes.
Now… knowing what a good heart he has, let’s get a better look at Blake…

Mmmmm Hmmmmm.
So, next on my list is to outfit the whole family in TOMS.  I already found a pair for Lou.

I urge you to give these shoes a chance, and in the process, give a child the same.



I am so fortunate to have the very best friends in the world. Supportive, generous and kind… and not afraid to regulate on any faux pas. Nearly 10 years ago, in jest Mike referred to us as “The Divine Ya-Ya Sisterhood of the Traveling Fat Pants.” Well, from that what stuck was The Ya’s. So now that is what we are called.

Though I do not see, or speak to them everyday, I know that they are always there. I am so grateful to have found a group of women who truly get me and are so unconditionally loving.

A friend is someone who gives you what you need, when you may not even know that you need it. I will never forget the day my mom died. After a long day at my parents’ house and the funeral home I came home to a kitchen filled with groceries, flowers and cards from my besties. I still tear up just thinking about it.

So at this time of year, as I reflect on what is important to me, I’d like to toast my dear friends- The Ya’s for always being there, even when I didn’t know I needed it.