Last week I bought this chair at my local HomeGoods for our basement media room that is FINALLY getting finished. As much as I loved it, I was stressed about my purchase because I needed two of these chairs and my HG’s only had one. The hunt was on. I spent the first half of Saturday calling every HomeGoods within a 40 mile radius (luckily there are quite a few.) After an hour of calling several stores, describing the chair, giving the style number and price (over and over) I was ready to give up. E was at my side cheering me on just when I had lost all hope. As I said to her “This is useless baby.” I heard a voice ask on the other line “How much would you love me if I told you I had it?” I started screaming “SHUT UP, SHUT UP!” Sure enough, he had it. So E and I hopped in the car and drove about an hour to the Kingstowne store and all I can say is HOLY SH&% that store is REDONKULOUS! Just check out some of the HomeGoodies we found…

Loved this linen/nailhead sofa.
Somebody pinch me…..

I think I’m dreaming. Gorgeous, right? Would need to find a match for this one too!

It KILLED me to leave this there.. But I had no place to store it or clients that had a need for it.

Yep, this is not a dream.
This guy needed a few tiny mirrors to be replaced, but it would have cost under $30. Looks a lot like the infamous Peacock Mirror, right?

This picture doesn’t do this lamp justice. It was stunning in person.

I’d paint this guy.. So many options!
They actually had two of these. Perfect for an office!

I scored this lucite antler for myself.

Isn’t this pillow awesome?

Doesn’t every home need a pair of geode bookends?
I just loved this pillow for a little boy’s room. It would be a perfect match with that blue and white Stark striped rug on OKL this week!

After all was said and done, the other half of my duo made it home. Squeal! This room is gonna be amazing!