Category Archives: kiddos


home for halloween.


As you lovelies are waking up and reading this, I am landing at Dulles.  I flew through the night to be home with my babies for Halloween. For some reason my company thinks it’s ok to book a sales conference over the week of Halloween (two years in a row)… Newsflash… It’s not.   Last year we all actually missed Halloween with our children.  I am tired.  REALLY tired.  But I’d do it all over again for these two.

Halloween 2012(2012)

Wait until you see this year’s costumes… Happy Halloween!


pb: spell it out.

Have y’all seen Pottery Barn’s selection of letters?  Pretty impressive.  Let’s start with the live moss letters, shall we? The possibilities are endless.. Weddings, gardens, holiday decor… you name it.

Live Moss Letters Live Moss Letters Live Moss Letters

Next, let’s move onto the Harper Painted Letters from PB Kids-  great for playrooms, bedrooms, nurseries.

Harper Painted Letters Harper Painted Letters

Lastly, the Harper Monogram.  Perfect for weddings, but I love it in a little girl’s room too!

Screen Shot 2013-10-22 at 11.51.02 AM Screen Shot 2013-10-22 at 11.50.54 AM

Check out PB Kids full letter selection here.  PB Teen also has some great options.


homegoods shopping party.

It’s no secret that I am a HomeGoods addict.  Friends who shop with me know entering a HomeGoods is like me getting ready for “the big game.”  I am focused.  I am competitive.  Let’s review the fruits of my labor, shall we?

HomeGoods Nightstands and Pillows

Both nightstands in our guest bedroom?  HomeGoods.. Oh yeah and those pink Ralph Lauren pillows too!

HomeGoods Tablescape

These Cynthia Rowley cups were $2.99 each.  Make great vases, eh?

HomeGoods Lamp and Accessories

Basically everything on this dresser… HomeGoods.

HomeGoods Tablescape and Ottomans

Our living room table too.  Not to mention those two green ottomans.

HomeGoods Lamp and Table

This table and that lamp.

Homegoods Bowl and Glassware

This bowl in our dining room that I get so many compliments on…  Just add gold spray paint!

HomeGoods Mirror and Candlesticks

Our dining room mirror and crystal candlesticks.

HomeGoods Table

So much in E’s room came from HG.  She loves her reading table.
HomeGoods Lamp and Bookends

E’s desk lamp, glassware and desk organizers… all HomeGoods.

HomeGoods Geode Bookends

as well as her geode bookends-  love!HomeGoods Tablescape

Pretty much everything on her dresser from picture frames to trays and boxes.

HomeGoods Bench, Picture Frame and LampRemember her bench makeover?  Also the broken picture frame that I scored on clearance?  And that lamp?  H-to-the-G.

HomeGoods Chest and Lamp

This chest, lamp (+ some leftover green spray paint) and coral?  You guessed it.

HomeGoods Bedding and Accessories

And my little Louie’s room.  Probably the single most popular topic that I receive emails about.  Her coverlet and shams are from HomeGoods, not to mention nearly every decorative item on her bookshelves.HomeGoods Table

Her table?  Yup, Yup.
HomeGoods Mirror

And this mirror used to be a picture that I got on clearance.HomeGoods BowlThis orchid bowl in our kitchen?  Only $14.99!

HomeGoods Table Pictures of our porch are coming soon, but you probably saw the post on this table.  The coral and lotus candle holder are great styling accessories- both under $10!

So there you have it-  that’s just a few of the bazillion HomeGoods gems that I have scored.  That being said, I was tickled pink when HomeGoods Corporate reached out to me and asked me to host a shopping party.  They were gracious enough to let me pick my favorite store, which happens to be right in my neighborhood.  They’ll be a gift card in it for every guest as well as a chance to win some major HomeGoods cash.  I’ll be sharing some of my favorite items as well as a few tips and tricks that I save for my clients.  Think of it as some free personal shopping. 😉 So…. for you readers in the DC Area, if you would like to attend, please send me an email at so I can add you to the list. Spaces are limited!

HG Shopping Party.001



bright birthday.

bright birthday free printable

Every year, I find myself racing like a maniac to find last minute treat-free favors for my girls’ school birthday. (Life would be sooooo much easier if I could just buy two dozen cupcakes.) This is what E and I came up with this year ($1 marker sets from the Dollar Store.)

I received a few emails asking about the printable– well ladies, today is your lucky day.  I finally figured out how to upload it- so you can go nuts.   Just have your little nuggets sign their own names.  Now just get your asses down to the Dollar Store and buy $30 worth of crappy markers. 😉

bright birthday