Category Archives: kiddos


get the look: homegoods.

On a recent trip to HomeGoods, I spied a few of my favorite finds from our house. First-  these metal tables.


We have one in Lou’s Room

Lou's Bedroom - Final Web (5 of 9)

as well as E’s Room.


Next, I spotted this metal bowl.


Which I spray painted gold for our dining room.

IntagliosLastly, there were plenty more silver leaf trays.

Leaf Tray

Which I also glammed up with some gold spray paint for our living room.


So hop on into HomeGoods and get while the gettin’s good!


e’s room.

entire room

Last year, for her birthday, we redecorated E’s room. Her desired color scheme?   Purple and pink, probably my least favorite color combination.  I started twitching at the thought that it might turn out like something out of a Barbie movie.  Well, it didn’t.  And I think we were able to create a room that both mother and daughter were happy with.


It all started with the Mariska Meijers pillows.  That was my inspiration for the room.

Zemanta Related Posts Thumbnail


Then we worked up a paint technique that looks like a wash.  I love the way it turned out.  Her bench-  a HomeGoods find that we had reupholstered.


The chandelier is actually broken, but I like it that way.  Speaking of broken…  I bought this picture frame on clearance at HomeGoods.  I had the mirror fixed and replaced the artwork with an enlarged picture of E.  I love the way it turned out.
e pillow

The rocking chair was $20 from Craigslist.  The new fabric is from Spoonflower.


This Target lamp had a makeover.dresser tray

Most of the accessories on her dresser are from HomeGoods.  You can buy a similar mirror here.
best female performerchair

I had the pillow made from extra fabric from her bench.  The table.. HomeGoods.

table vignette


Her desk is from Land of Nod.  You can read about her chair makeover here.desk vignette

Buy this book set here.

Desk Vignette


We covered her bulletin board in the same ol’ ostrich fabric that seems to be appearing all over our house.  It’s so durable and versatile.  I still have a ton left, so you will be seeing more of this!

I love these heart push pins.BB3

entire room

The bedding was on clearance at the Land of Nod (sorry, out of stock.)  It couldn’t be more perfect!


The shades are from Lowes, but we removed the rose trim and added hot pink!juju hatThe jujuhat was quite an ordeal.  I am just glad that we finally got it.Lucite EThe lucite “E” is a custom product.  If you are interested in something like this, send me an email.

Photos by Ryann Colleen Photography


blow it up.


I was determined to have an oversized picture of E in her new room, but I wanted something more dramatic than a gallery-wrapped canvas.  Enter HomeGoods.  I found this baby on clearance for $27.  One of the edges was cracked and because it was beveled it took a bit more to repair than just a flat edge.  I was happy to pay the extra money because I am so happy with the results!

ChandelierStay tuned for the full reveal of her room tomorrow!


fashion friday: how to style a bump.

Recently I received an email from a reader who just found out she was expecting.  She wanted some tips on how to look stylish without breaking the bank.  It’s been over 5 years since I had to style a bump and it was no easy task considering 1.) My girls were 9 lbs. 5 oz. and 9 lbs 14 oz both a week early  2.) I am not exactly petite to begin with.

I hate despise those tiny bitches who say “I never even had to buy maternity clothes.  I just used a Bella Band.”  Ugh.  I was literally BUSTING out of my maternity clothes by the end of both pregnancies.  When Anna was born the nurse said to me “I am so sorry, we don’t have any clothes that will fit her on the L & D floor. We have to go upstairs to the Pediatric Department to find her something bigger.”  We don’t grow them small around here, that’s for sure.

Here are some of my favorite tricks.  I can tell you that I made the rookie mistake of buying a lot of designer clothes with my first pregnancy.  I learned my lesson on the second.  Old Navy, Gap and Target will do just fine. H & M has a great Maternity line too. You can also use a ton of existing cardigans, scarves and jean jackets to zhush up your outfits.  Accessories are key here, ladies.

One Hot Momma.001

hat  |  sunglasses  |  jean jacket  | scarf  |  bow belt  | leopard belt  | flower belt 1 |  flower belt 2  |  coral dress  |  one shoulder dress  |  tanks |  cardies  |  purple diamond dress |  stripe dress  |   scarf print dress |  green lace dress  | shorts  |  mint jeans  | leggings  |   print pants  |  jeans