Two things… 1.) Have you all seen Oh Joy’s! Collection for Target? So colorful and perfect for Spring! I am so elated to see when a fellow blogger makes their dreams come true. 2.) Have you seen pictures of the party that she threw for her launch? I can’t even find the words.
Category Archives: She’s Crafty
be my valentine.
sequin patch sweater.
Last week, I fell in love with this sweater only to find out it’s sold out.
Well, apparently for those of you with enough patience to sew can make one of your very own in 15 minutes. Just look at the results!
lulu dk decals.
bright birthday.
Every year, I find myself racing like a maniac to find last minute treat-free favors for my girls’ school birthday. (Life would be sooooo much easier if I could just buy two dozen cupcakes.) This is what E and I came up with this year ($1 marker sets from the Dollar Store.)
I received a few emails asking about the printable– well ladies, today is your lucky day. I finally figured out how to upload it- so you can go nuts. Just have your little nuggets sign their own names. Now just get your asses down to the Dollar Store and buy $30 worth of crappy markers. 😉
get the look: homegoods.
On a recent trip to HomeGoods, I spied a few of my favorite finds from our house. First- these metal tables.
We have one in Lou’s Room
as well as E’s Room.
Next, I spotted this metal bowl.
Which I spray painted gold for our dining room.
Lastly, there were plenty more silver leaf trays.
Which I also glammed up with some gold spray paint for our living room.
So hop on into HomeGoods and get while the gettin’s good!
e’s room.
Last year, for her birthday, we redecorated E’s room. Her desired color scheme? Purple and pink, probably my least favorite color combination. I started twitching at the thought that it might turn out like something out of a Barbie movie. Well, it didn’t. And I think we were able to create a room that both mother and daughter were happy with.
It all started with the Mariska Meijers pillows. That was my inspiration for the room.
Then we worked up a paint technique that looks like a wash. I love the way it turned out. Her bench- a HomeGoods find that we had reupholstered.
The chandelier is actually broken, but I like it that way. Speaking of broken… I bought this picture frame on clearance at HomeGoods. I had the mirror fixed and replaced the artwork with an enlarged picture of E. I love the way it turned out.
The rocking chair was $20 from Craigslist. The new fabric is from Spoonflower.
This Target lamp had a makeover.
Most of the accessories on her dresser are from HomeGoods. You can buy a similar mirror here.
I had the pillow made from extra fabric from her bench. The table.. HomeGoods.
Her desk is from Land of Nod. You can read about her chair makeover here.
Buy this book set here.
We covered her bulletin board in the same ol’ ostrich fabric that seems to be appearing all over our house. It’s so durable and versatile. I still have a ton left, so you will be seeing more of this!
I love these heart push pins.
The bedding was on clearance at the Land of Nod (sorry, out of stock.) It couldn’t be more perfect!
The shades are from Lowes, but we removed the rose trim and added hot pink!The jujuhat was quite an ordeal. I am just glad that we finally got it.
The lucite “E” is a custom product. If you are interested in something like this, send me an email.
Photos by Ryann Colleen Photography